Episode 23

Published on:

12th Jun 2023

The Importance of Personal Freedom and Conscience in Vaccination Decisions

The speakers passionately discuss their concerns around personal freedoms, particularly in the context of vaccine mandates and their own religious beliefs. They argue that coercion and force are morally wrong, even if used with good intentions. The speakers assert their faith in personal freedom and the right to make individual choices, in this case, relating to vaccines. They emphasize the importance of not compromising individual conscience for any authority, even governmental, and draw parallels with historical atrocities when discussing coercive practices. They also stress the importance of maintaining respect for differing opinions as central to a functioning democracy and express their concern about potential future persecution of Christians based on the current social climate.

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About the Podcast

Gio & Joey
Talking cultural, political, social issues from a Protestant perspective
This podcast will explore our culture, news and other current events, from a Protestant world view. Too often we don't know how to do that in a secular world. We will talk about how we live out our world view in our day to day lives, how our protestant tradition should inform our interactions with the media, news and events that take place in our lives!